H. Upmann Cigars – Prices, Sizes, and Everything In Between

H. Upmann Cigars - Prices, Sizes, and Everything In Between

Many aficionados of premium cigars are familiar with the name H. Upmann, a brand that has been crafting exceptional cigars since 1844. In this comprehensive guide, we research into the world of H. Upmann cigars, exploring their various sizes, prices, and everything in between. Whether you are a seasoned connoisseur or a curious newcomer to the world of cigars, this article will provide you with all the imperative information you need to know about H. Upmann.

Historical Overview of H. Upmann

Origins and Founder’s Vision

Founders of H. Upmann Cigars, German brothers August and Hermann Upmann, established the brand in Havana, Cuba in 1844. Originally a bank clerk, Hermann saw the potential in the tobacco trade and launched on creating a cigar brand that would later become renowned for its quality and craftsmanship.

Milestones in H. Upmann’s History

Milestones in H. Upmann’s history include being one of the first brands to utilize cedar boxes for packaging, a practice that became standard in the industry. The brand gained international recognition for its elegant smoking experience and was a favorite of notable figures such as Sir Winston Churchill, who lent his name to one of their iconic cigar sizes, the Churchill.

The Prices of H. Upmann Cigars

Factors Influencing the Cost

One of the primary factors that influence the cost of H. Upmann cigars is the quality of the tobacco used in the blend. Premium tobaccos like those grown in the Vuelta Abajo region of Cuba, where H. Upmann sources some of its tobacco, can significantly impact the price. Other factors include production costs, such as labor, packaging, and distribution.

  • Tobacco quality
  • Production costs
  • Distribution

Perceiving the value of a cigar involves considering not just the brand name, but also the craftsmanship, aging process, and flavor profile. All these elements contribute to the final price tag of an H. Upmann cigar.

Different Ranges

Across the different ranges of H. Upmann cigars, prices can vary based on the series and the size of the cigar. To give you a better understanding, below is a comparison of prices across various ranges of H. Upmann cigars:

Plus, there are special limited editions and regional releases that can be priced higher due to their exclusivity and limited availability. These unique offerings often come in collectible packaging and feature rare aged tobaccos, making them highly sought after by enthusiasts.

Sizes and Shapes of H. Upmann Cigars

The Importance of Size and Shape

In the context of enjoying a cigar, the size and shape play a significant role in the overall smoking experience. The length and ring gauge of a cigar can determine its burning time, draw resistance, and flavor profile. The shape of a cigar, whether it’s a parejo or figurado, can also impact how the smoke flows and how the flavors are perceived by the smoker. Choosing the right size and shape of a cigar is imperative to ensuring a satisfying smoking session.

Popular H. Upmann Cigar Formats

One of the most popular formats for H. Upmann cigars is the robusto, which typically measures around 5 inches in length with a 50-54 ring gauge. This size is perfect for those looking for a well-rounded smoking experience with a good balance of flavor and smoke output. Another favored format is the torpedo, featuring a pointed head that concentrates the flavors as the smoke is drawn through the narrower opening. These formats, among others, offer an array of options for cigar enthusiasts to explore different taste profiles and smoking characteristics.

Popular H. Upmann cigar formats include the classic Churchill, known for its extended smoking time and elegant appearance, as well as the petite corona for a shorter but equally enjoyable smoke. Each format offers a unique smoking experience, allowing aficionados to find the perfect match for their preferences.

Flavors and Aromas

Many H. Upmann Cigars | C.C.F.S & Prices Online enthusiasts are drawn to the brand for its rich flavors and enticing aromas. The cigars offer a complex yet well-balanced smoking experience that appeals to both novice and experienced cigar connoisseurs.

The H. Upmann Flavor Profile

Flavor is at the forefront of the H. Upmann experience, with each cigar offering a distinct profile that may include notes of cedar, nuts, coffee, and a hint of spice. The cigars are known for their smooth and creamy texture, making them a favorite choice for those who appreciate a milder smoke with layers of flavor.

Pairing Suggestions for Optimal Enjoyment

Flavor pairing is important to elevate your H. Upmann smoking experience. Opt for a rich, dark rum or a smooth bourbon to complement the cigars’ nutty and earthy notes. For a non-alcoholic option, a strong black coffee or a creamy latte can also enhance the flavors of your H. Upmann cigar.

Profile: Experiment with different pairing combinations to find your preferred match and discover how various flavors can enhance the overall enjoyment of your H. Upmann cigar.

Storing and Aging H. Upmann Cigars

Proper Storage Techniques

Now, when it comes to storing your H. Upmann cigars, it is vital to maintain the ideal conditions to preserve the flavor and quality of your smokes. The key is to store them in a humidor with a stable temperature between 65-70 degrees Fahrenheit and a humidity level of around 70-72%. This environment will ensure that your cigars age gracefully and develop rich, complex flavors over time.

The Impact of Aging on Cigars

Upmann cigars, like many premium cigars, benefit from aging as it allows the flavors to mature and mellow out. The aging process smoothens out any harsh edges in the tobacco, resulting in a more refined smoking experience. Some enthusiasts believe that aging H. Upmann cigars for a few years can significantly enhance their flavor profile, making them more enjoyable and satisfying.

Aging H. Upmann cigars can also lead to the blending of different tobacco leaves, resulting in a more harmonious and balanced smoke. This process of marrying flavors over time can create a truly exceptional cigar that offers a complex and nuanced taste that is worth the wait.

Where to Purchase H. Upmann Cigars

For H. Upmann Cigars, look no further than Best Cigar Prices. With a wide selection and competitive pricing, you can find the perfect H. Upmann cigar to suit your taste and budget.

Buying Online Vs. Brick-and-Mortar Stores

Stores: Regarding buying H. Upmann cigars, you have the option of purchasing them online or from brick-and-mortar stores. Online retailers often offer a larger selection and competitive prices, while brick-and-mortar stores may provide a more personalized shopping experience and the chance to inspect the cigars in person before making a purchase.

Identifying Authentic H. Upmann Cigars

For those looking to ensure they are purchasing authentic H. Upmann cigars, there are a few key things to look out for. Authentic H. Upmann cigars will have the brand’s logo prominently displayed on the band, the construction will be of high quality, and the tobacco aroma will be rich and inviting. Additionally, purchasing from reputable retailers like Best Cigar Prices can help guarantee the authenticity of your H. Upmann cigars.

Summing up

So, whether you are a seasoned cigar aficionado or a beginner looking to explore the world of premium cigars, H. Upmann has a wide range of options to choose from. With a variety of sizes, prices, and flavors, there is something for everyone in their collection. From the classic H. Upmann Magnum 46 to the robust H. Upmann Connossieur A, each cigar offers a unique smoking experience that is sure to satisfy even the most discerning palate. Explore the world of H. Upmann cigars and elevate your smoking experience to a whole new level.


Q: What is H. Upmann known for?

A: H. Upmann is a well-known Cuban cigar brand that has been producing premium cigars since 1844. They are known for their rich flavor profiles and high-quality tobacco.

Q: What are the different sizes available for H. Upmann cigars?

A: H. Upmann cigars come in various sizes, including Robustos, Churchills, and Petit Coronas. Each size offers a unique smoking experience in terms of flavor and burn time.

Q: What are some popular H. Upmann cigar blends?

A: Some popular H. Upmann cigar blends include the H. Upmann Magnum 46, the H. Upmann Royal Robusto, and the H. Upmann Connoisseur A. Each blend offers a unique flavor profile that appeals to a wide range of cigar aficionados.

Q: How should H. Upmann cigars be stored to ensure freshness?

A: To ensure the freshness of H. Upmann cigars, it is recommended to store them in a humidor at a temperature of around 70 degrees Fahrenheit and a humidity level of 70-72%. This will help preserve the flavor and quality of the cigars over time.

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