Ramon Allones Specially Selected
Discover the allure of the Ramon Allones Specially Selected, a captivating Cuban cigar known for its complex flavor profile and rich history. Learn about its unique characteristics, smoking experience, and why it’s a must-try for cigar enthusiasts.
Table with features:
Feature | Description |
Brand | Ramon Allones |
Vitola | Robusto |
Length | 4.9 inches (124mm) |
Ring Gauge | 50 |
Wrapper | Colorado |
Binder | Cuban |
Filler | Cuban |
Strength | Medium-Full |
Flavor Profile | Earth, espresso, marzipan, citrus, black cherry, subtle spice and pepper |
Smoking Time | 45-60 minutes |
Construction | Excellent, with minimal veins and an even burn |
Draw | Effortless and consistent |
Complexity | Sophisticated and evolving flavors throughout the smoke |
Occasion | Leisurely smoking sessions, special occasions |
Pairing | Pairs well with fine rum or robust espresso |
Storage | Humidor at 65-70°F (18-21°C), 65-70% relative humidity |
Availability |
Cuban Cigars For Sale |
Box Size | Typically sold in boxes of 25 cigars |
Factory | Handcrafted in the Partagás factory, Havana |
History | One of the oldest cigar brands, founded in 1837 |
Tradition | Embodies the rich tradition and craftsmanship of Cuban cigars |
First To | Credited as the first manufacturer to decorate cigar boxes with ornate, branded labels |
Hidden Gem | A lesser-known Cuban cigar brand, making it a hidden gem for full-bodied tobacco fans |
Dive into the world of Cuban cigars and uncover the exceptional qualities of the Ramon Allones Specially Selected. This article explores the rich history, unique flavor profile, and the reasons why this cigar has earned its place among the most sought-after Cuban cigars. Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or a curious enthusiast, this comprehensive guide will provide you with valuable insights into the allure of the Ramon Allones Specially Selected.
What Is the Ramon Allones Specially Selected?
The Ramon Allones Specially Selected is a Cuban cigar that belongs to the renowned Ramon Allones brand. It is a Robusto vitola, measuring 4.9 inches (124mm) in length with a 50 ring gauge. The Specially Selected is known for its complex flavor profile, which combines notes of earth, espresso, marzipan, and citrus.
How Does the Ramon Allones Specially Selected Compare to Other Cuban Cigars?
While Cuba is home to numerous prestigious cigar brands, the Ramon Allones Specially Selected stands out for its unique characteristics. Compared to other popular Cuban cigars, such as the Cohiba Robusto or the Partagas Serie D No. 4, the Specially Selected offers a more full-bodied smoking experience with a sophisticated side and incredibly complex flavors.
What Is the History of the Ramon Allones Brand?
Ramon Allones is one of the oldest cigar brands still in production, founded in 1837. The brand is credited as the first manufacturer to decorate its cigar boxes with ornate, branded labels. Despite its rich history, Ramon Allones isn’t exactly a household name when it comes to Cuban cigars, making it a hidden gem for fans of more full-bodied tobacco.
What Are the Tasting Notes of the Ramon Allones Specially Selected?
When smoking a Ramon Allones Specially Selected, you can expect a captivating array of flavors. The first third of the cigar is layered with earthy espresso bean notes, while hints of marzipan and citrus emerge in the second third. The cigar continues to evolve throughout the smoke, revealing additional nuances of black cherry and a subtle spice and pepper finish.
How Does the Construction and Draw of the Ramon Allones Specially Selected Affect the Smoking Experience?
The Ramon Allones Specially Selected is known for its excellent construction and consistent draw. The cigar features a beautiful Colorado wrapper with minimal veins, ensuring an even burn throughout the smoke. The draw is effortless, allowing for a smooth and enjoyable smoking experience. The pre-light aroma is reminiscent of sweet tobacco, and the draw itself is sweet and inviting.
What Is the Ideal Smoking Time for the Ramon Allones Specially Selected?
Given its Robusto size and complex flavor profile, the Ramon Allones Specially Selected is best enjoyed when you have ample time to savor its nuances. The typical smoking time for this cigar ranges from 45 to 60 minutes, allowing you to fully appreciate its evolving flavors and the smooth, medium-full bodied smoke.
How Does the Ramon Allones Specially Selected Reflect the Cuban Cigar Tradition?
The Ramon Allones Specially Selected embodies the rich tradition and craftsmanship of Cuban cigars. Handcrafted in the renowned Partagás factory in Havana, this cigar showcases the expertise and attention to detail that have made Cuban cigars a benchmark for quality worldwide. The Specially Selected’s complex character and sophisticated flavor profile exemplify the best of Cuban cigar-making.
Where Can I Buy Ramon Allones Specially Selected Cigars?
Ramon Allones Specially Selected cigars can be purchased from authorized Cuban Cigars For Sale Website. It is essential to ensure the authenticity of the cigars by buying from trusted sources. These cigars are typically available in boxes of 25, making them ideal for aging and long-term storage.
How Should I Store My Ramon Allones Specially Selected Cigars?
To maintain the quality and flavor of your Ramon Allones Specially Selected cigars, proper storage is crucial. Keep your cigars in a humidor at a consistent temperature of around 65-70°F (18-21°C) and a relative humidity of 65-70%. Consider using Boveda packs or other humidity control systems to ensure optimal conditions for your cigars.
What Are Some Occasions Where the Ramon Allones Specially Selected Would Be a Suitable Choice?
The Ramon Allones Specially Selected is a cigar that lends itself to leisurely smoking sessions and special occasions. Its medium-full strength and complex flavor profile make it an excellent choice for an evening smoke, paired with a fine rum or a robust espresso. The Specially Selected is also a cigar that can be savored during celebrations or shared among fellow cigar enthusiasts.
In summary, here are the key points to remember about the Ramon Allones Specially Selected:
- A captivating Cuban cigar with a complex flavor profile
- Belongs to the historic Ramon Allones brand, founded in 1837
- Robusto vitola measuring 4.9 inches (124mm) in length with a 50 ring gauge
- Offers notes of earth, espresso, marzipan, citrus, black cherry, and a subtle spice and pepper finish
- Excellent construction and consistent draw for a smooth smoking experience
- Ideal smoking time of 45-60 minutes to fully appreciate its evolving flavors
- Embodies the rich tradition and craftsmanship of Cuban cigars
- Available in Cuban Cigars For Sale
- Store in a humidor at 65-70°F (18-21°C) and 65-70% relative humidity
- Suitable for leisurely smoking sessions, special occasions, and pairing with fine spirits or coffee
The Ramon Allones Specially Selected is a cigar that truly captures the essence of Cuban cigar-making. Its captivating flavor profile, excellent construction, and rich history make it a must-try for cigar enthusiasts and those seeking to explore the world of Cuban cigars. Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or a curious newcomer, the Specially Selected is a cigar that will leave a lasting impression. Embrace the allure of Ramon Allones and embark on a journey of complex flavors and sophisticated smoking pleasure with the Specially Selected.
Taste | Creamy, Earthy, Leathery, Spicy, Woody |
Mike –
These cigars are perfect for a relaxing evening at home.
Brigitte –
Holding this cigar in your hand, you can feel the passion and pride that went into its creation.
Ian –
I bought a few of these to age in my humidor, and after a year, the flavors have only gotten better. The aging potential of these cigars is impressive.