Embark on a journey of unparalleled luxury and sophistication with the esteemed Cohiba Robusto Supremo Edicion Limitada 2014. These limited edition Cuban cigars are a true masterpiece, meticulously crafted with the finest tobacco leaves from the renowned Vuelta Abajo region. From the first draw, experience a symphony of exquisite flavors including cedar, earth, spice, and a touch of dark chocolate, all harmonizing to deliver a luxurious smoking sensation. Each puff showcases the well-balanced full-bodied smoke that defines Cohiba’s prestige, making every moment a showcase of refinement and satisfaction. The exceptional aging process of a minimum of two years enhances the depth and complexity of these premium cigars, ensuring a smooth and nuanced smoking experience that is unmatched. The Robusto Supremo vitola, measuring 5 1/8 inches with a ring gauge of 58, promises a prolonged and indulgent smoking session, accentuating the captivating flavors with each draw.
- Crafted with finest tobacco leaves from Cuba
- Rich flavors of cedar, earth, and subtle sweetness
- Meticulously handcrafted for exceptional quality
- Aged for perfection to enhance flavor profile
- Highly coveted limited edition cigars
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